States with Swedish American Institutions, Organizations and Establishments
If you are a member of one of these and would like changes and/or deletions, or if your institution, organization or establishment is not listed and you would like it to be, please email me at [email protected] to make your request.
>>>> For United States Swedish Consulates underscored below, find links to their contact information HERE.
>>>> Go to Nordstjernan, the Swedish newspaper of America, Nordstjernan. For the history, go HERE
>>>> Go to Nordstjernan, the Swedish newspaper of America, Nordstjernan. For the history, go HERE
Tucson: Tucson-Swedes-R-US: http://tucsonvasaswedes.blogspot.com/Tuscon\uscon
Phoenix: Swedish Consulate in Phoenix
Tucson: Tucson-Swedes-R-US: http://tucsonvasaswedes.blogspot.com/Tuscon\uscon
Phoenix: Swedish Consulate in Phoenix
Concord: VASA ORDER OF AMERICA Sveaborg Lodge 449: Sveaborg 449 lodge - Vasa Order of America | Concord CA | Facebook
Kingsburg: Swedish Festival: kingsburgchamber.com/events/annual/swedish-festival
Los Angeles
San Diego
Concord: VASA ORDER OF AMERICA Sveaborg Lodge 449: Sveaborg 449 lodge - Vasa Order of America | Concord CA | Facebook
Kingsburg: Swedish Festival: kingsburgchamber.com/events/annual/swedish-festival
Los Angeles
- Church of Sweden Los Angeles (at the Norwegian Church): https://www.sjomannskirken.no/los-angeles-san-pedro/
- Olson's Deli: http://olsonsdeli.com/
- Swedish American Chamber of Commerce Los Angeles: http://www.sacc-la.org/
- SWEA Los Angeles: http://losangeles.swea.org/
- Swedish School of Los Angeles: svenskaskolanla.org
San Diego
- House of Sweden: http://www.houseofsweden.us/
- SWEA San Diego http://sandiego.swea.org/
- Swedish American Chamber of Commerce San Diego: http://www.sacc-sandiego.org/
- Swedish Consulate in San Diego
- Swedish Center: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Swedish-Center-San-Diego
- Swedish School: http://www.svenskaskolansd.org/
- SWEA San Francisco: http://sanfrancisco.swea.org/
- Swedish Honorary Consulate General in San Francisco
- Swedish American Chamber of Commerce San Francisco: http://www.sacc-sf.org/
- Swedish American Hall: https://www.swedishamericanhall.com/about/history
- Swedish Church in San Francisco: http://www.svenskakyrkan.se/sanfrancisco
- Swedish Club of San Francisco Bay Area: http://www.swedishclubofsfba.org
Colorado Springs: Swedes of Colorado Springs: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Swedes-of-Colorado-Springs
Colorado Springs: Swedes of Colorado Springs: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Swedes-of-Colorado-Springs
- Swedish Consulate in Denver
- SWEA Denver: Hem - Colorado (swea.org)
- Swedish Club of Denver: Swedish Club of Denver - Home | Facebook
- Swedish Genealogical Society of Colorado: http://swedgensoc.org/
Fairfield: The Scandinavian Club, including SWEDES: Sweden – Scandinavian Club (thescandinavianclub.com)
Fairfield: The Scandinavian Club, including SWEDES: Sweden – Scandinavian Club (thescandinavianclub.com)
- New Sweden Center: http://www.colonialnewsweden.org/
- Olds Swedes Foundation: http://www.oldswedes.org/
- House of Sweden: www.houseofsweden.com/
- SWEA Washington, DC: SWEA Washington DC - Washington DC
- Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce-USA: SACC-USA
- Swedish Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Fort Lauderdale
Sarasota: Swedish American Club of Sarasota, SACS: http://www.swedishclubsarasota.org/
Fort Lauderdale
- Swedish American Chamber of Commerce Fort Lauderdale & Palm Beach: http://sacc-sfl.org/
- Swedish Consulate in Fort Lauderdale
- Swedish Women Educational Association International, Inc.: http://swea.org/
Sarasota: Swedish American Club of Sarasota, SACS: http://www.swedishclubsarasota.org/
- SWEA: Atlanta https://www.facebook.com/SWEA.Atlanta
- Swedish Consulate in Atlanta
- Swedish Men's Choir -- https://www.facebook.com/pg/vasadrangar/about/?
- The Swedish School of Atlanta: http://swedishschoolatlanta.org/
Honolulu: Swedish Consulate in Honolulu
Honolulu: Swedish Consulate in Honolulu
Scandinavian Society of Southwestern Idaho: The SCANDINAVIAN SOCIETY of SW IDAHO (yasureubetcha.com)
Scandinavian Society of Southwestern Idaho: The SCANDINAVIAN SOCIETY of SW IDAHO (yasureubetcha.com)
Andover: Jenny Lind Chapel: Jenny Lind Chapel
Bishop Hill: http://www.visitbishophill.com
Andover: Jenny Lind Chapel: Jenny Lind Chapel
Bishop Hill: http://www.visitbishophill.com
- American Union of Swedish Singers: http://www.auss.org/whatis.htm
- Swedish American Chamber of Commerce Chicago: http://sacc-chicago.org/
- SWEA Chicago: http://chicago.swea.org/
- Swedish American Museum: http://www.swedishamericanmuseum.org/
- Swedish American Historical Society: http://swedishamericanhist.org
- Swedish Consulate General in Chicago
- Augustana College: www.augustana.edu/about-us
- Augustana College Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center: http://www.augustana.edu/swenson
- Swedish Historical Society: http://www.swedishhistorical.org/
- Stockholm Inn: https://www.stockholminn.com/
Iowa City: Iowa City Swedish Club http://www.iowacityswedishclub.com
Stanton: Swedish Heritage & Cultural Center: http://stantoniowa.com/historical
Swedesburg: Swedish American Museum: https://www.facebook.com/SwedesburgSwedishAmericanMuseum
Swedish Heritage Museum: https://www.youtube.com
Iowa City: Iowa City Swedish Club http://www.iowacityswedishclub.com
Stanton: Swedish Heritage & Cultural Center: http://stantoniowa.com/historical
Swedesburg: Swedish American Museum: https://www.facebook.com/SwedesburgSwedishAmericanMuseum
Swedish Heritage Museum: https://www.youtube.com
- AMERICAN-SCANDINAVIAN ASSOCIATON of the Great Plains: https://www.facebook.com/pages/American-Scandinavian-Association-of-the-Great-Plains/
- Anderson Butik: http://www.andersonbutik.com/
- Anderson Scandinavian Tours: http://www.toursweden.com/
- Bethany College: www.bethanylb.edu/
- Bethany Lutheran Church: HISTORY OF BETHANY CHURCH (blclindsborg.org)
- Hemslöjd: http://www.hemslojd.com/
- Lindsborg City: http://www.lindsborgcity.org/
- McPherson County Old Mill Museum: http://www.mcphersoncountyks.us/
- Öl Stuga: www.facebook.com/olstuga
- Sandzén Memorial Gallery: http://www.sandzén.org
- Smoky Valley Historical Association (SVHA): http://www.smokyvalleyhistory.org
- Svensk Hyllningsfest: www.svenskhyllningsfest.org/
- Swedish-American Folklife Center, Folklife Institute: Official Swedish-American Folklife Center, Folklife Institute
- Swedish Country Inn / Now "Dröm Sött" About - Dröm Sött Inn (sweetdreamsinn.com) Scroll to "Our History"
- Swedish Dancers: https://www.facebook.com/LindsborgSwedishFolkDancers
- Swedish Friendship Group, Svenska Vanskapsgrupper: https://www.facebook.com/svenskagroup
New Orleans: Swedish Consulate in New Orleans
New Orleans: Swedish Consulate in New Orleans
Maine Swedish Colony: http://www.maineswedishcolony.info/
Maine Swedish Colony: http://www.maineswedishcolony.info/
- SWEA: www.sweaboston.org/
- Swedish Consulate General in Boston
Detroit: Swedish Consulate General in Detroit
Detroit/Ann Arbor: SWEA Michigan: http://www.sweamichigan.org/
Farmington Hills: Swedish Club of Metropolitan Detroit: http://www.swedishclub.net/
Grand Rapids: Swedish American Heritage Society of West Michigan: http://sahswm.org/
Detroit: Swedish Consulate General in Detroit
Detroit/Ann Arbor: SWEA Michigan: http://www.sweamichigan.org/
Farmington Hills: Swedish Club of Metropolitan Detroit: http://www.swedishclub.net/
Grand Rapids: Swedish American Heritage Society of West Michigan: http://sahswm.org/
Chisago: Chisago County Historical Society: http://www.chisagocountyhistory.org/index.html
Shafer: Swedish Circle Tours: http://swedishcircletours.com/
St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society: http://www.mnhs.org/
St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Swedish American Newspapers: http://www.mnhs.org/newspapers/swedishamerican
Waconia: Carver County Historical Society and Andrew Peterson Farmstead: https://www.carvercountyhistoricalsociety.org/peterson_farm.php
Chisago: Chisago County Historical Society: http://www.chisagocountyhistory.org/index.html
- American Swedish Institute: https://www.asimn.org/
- Gustavus Adolphus College: Gustavus, Sweden and Norden: Heritage and Connections | President's Office
- Gustavus Adolphus College: Songs of Thy Triumph-short history.doc (gustavus.edu)
- SWEA: http://minnesota.swea.org/
- Swedish Consulate General in Minneapolis
- Swedish Council of America: http://www.swedishcouncil.org/
Shafer: Swedish Circle Tours: http://swedishcircletours.com/
St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society: http://www.mnhs.org/
St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Swedish American Newspapers: http://www.mnhs.org/newspapers/swedishamerican
Waconia: Carver County Historical Society and Andrew Peterson Farmstead: https://www.carvercountyhistoricalsociety.org/peterson_farm.php
Merriam: Swedish Consulate in Kansas City
Springfield: Ozark Scandinavian Society of Springfield Missouri: http://osssm.net
St. Louis
Merriam: Swedish Consulate in Kansas City
Springfield: Ozark Scandinavian Society of Springfield Missouri: http://osssm.net
St. Louis
- Swedish Consulate in St. Louis
- Swedish Council of St. Louis: http://www.swedishcouncilstlouis.org/
Bridgetown: New Sweden Farmstead: http://www.fieldtrip.com/nj/94514802.htm
SWEA New Jersey: Hem - New Jersey (swea.org)
Bridgetown: New Sweden Farmstead: http://www.fieldtrip.com/nj/94514802.htm
SWEA New Jersey: Hem - New Jersey (swea.org)
Las Vegas: Swedish Consulate in Las Vegas
Las Vegas: Swedish Consulate in Las Vegas
- American Scandinavian Society: History (americanscandinavian.org)
- SWEA New York: http://newyork.swea.org/
- Swedish Consulate General in New York
- Swedish American Chamber of Commerce New York: http://www.saccny.org/
Minot: Scandinavian Heritage Association including Swedes: https://scandinavianheritage.org/
Scandinavian Heritage Association Swedish Heritage Society of Northwestern North Dakota
Minot: Scandinavian Heritage Association including Swedes: https://scandinavianheritage.org/
Scandinavian Heritage Association Swedish Heritage Society of Northwestern North Dakota
Raleigh: Swedish Consulate in Raleigh
Vasa Order | Celebrating Our Nordic Heritage
Hem - North Carolina (swea.org)
The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce of the Carolinas - Board of Directors (sacccarolinas.org)
The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce of the Carolinas - Home Page (sacccarolinas.org)
Raleigh: Swedish Consulate in Raleigh
Vasa Order | Celebrating Our Nordic Heritage
Hem - North Carolina (swea.org)
The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce of the Carolinas - Board of Directors (sacccarolinas.org)
The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce of the Carolinas - Home Page (sacccarolinas.org)
- Swedish Consulate General in Cleveland
- Swedish Cultural Society of Cleveland: Swedish Cultural Society of Cleveland
- Swedish Cultural Society in Northern Ohio: Swedish Cultural Society in Northern Ohio
- Swedish Roots in Oregon: http://www.swedishrootsinoregon.org/default.html
- Swedish Society of Linnea: Gallery (linneapdx.org)
- Nordic Northwest: Nordic Northwest | Portland
Mt. Jewett: Swedish Community: http://mtjewettpa.com/about-us/
Mt. Jewett: Swedish Community: http://mtjewettpa.com/about-us/
- American Swedish Historical Museum Our History | American Swedish Historical Museum
- Colonial Swedish Society: http://colonialswedes.net/
- Swedish American Chamber of Commerce Philadelphia: http://www.sacc-philadelphia.org/
- Swedish Consulate in Philadelphia
- SWEA Philadelphia: http://philadelphia.swea.org/
East Greenwich: Rhode Island Swedish Heritage Association: http://www.riswedishheritage.org/whatis.htm
East Greenwich: Rhode Island Swedish Heritage Association: http://www.riswedishheritage.org/whatis.htm
Dalesburg/Vermillion: Scandinavian Association including Swedes: http://www.angelfire.com/sd/dalesburg
Dalesburg/Vermillion: Scandinavian Association including Swedes: http://www.angelfire.com/sd/dalesburg
Austin: SWEA Austin: https://austin.swea.org/
Dallas: Swedish Consulate in Dallas
Austin: SWEA Austin: https://austin.swea.org/
Dallas: Swedish Consulate in Dallas
- The Swedish Club of Houston: http://www.swedishclub.org/
- SWEA Houston: Hem - Houston (swea.org)
- Swedish Consulate General in Houston
The Peoples of Utah, Scandinavian Saga | History to Go
Cache Valley: Salt Lake City:
The Peoples of Utah, Scandinavian Saga | History to Go
Cache Valley: Salt Lake City:
- Swedish Consulate in Salt Lake City
- Swedish Heritage Society of Utah: http://www.swedishheritagesociety.com/
Norfolk: Swedish Consulate in Norfolk
Falls Creek: The Swedish School, Svenska Skolan: http://www.theswedishschool.org/
SWEA Virginia Beach: http://virginiabeach.swea.org/
Norfolk: Swedish Consulate in Norfolk
Falls Creek: The Swedish School, Svenska Skolan: http://www.theswedishschool.org/
SWEA Virginia Beach: http://virginiabeach.swea.org/
- Consulate of Sweden in Seattle
- Nordic Museum including Swedes: http://www.nordicmuseum.org/
- Skandia Folkdance Society including Swedish information: http://www.skandia-folkdance.org/
- SWEA Seattle: http://seattle.swea.org/
- Swedish Club Northwest: Swedish Club - About us (swedishclubnw.org)
- Swedish American Historical Society of Wisconsin Origin and Mission | Swedish American Historical Society of Wisconsin (sahswi.org)
- Swedish Consulate in Milwaukee
Note: Some States may be missing that might have Swedish Americans institutions, organizations and establishments. As all States should be included, should you find any pertinent Swedish American information on States not included, would you kindly email me at [email protected] for SwedishAmericana Many thanks in advance!!
Go HERE to "Finding Swedish Studies"
(and to a Chicago Swedish American story)
(and to a Chicago Swedish American story)
* * *
" H I G H L I G H T I N G "
(a Swedish American story)
" H I G H L I G H T I N G "
(a Swedish American story)
Portions of modern-day Philadelphia were part of "New Sweden" which was founded by the Swedes and the Finns in 1638. Control of New Sweden was lost to the Dutch in 1655. In 1681* Philadelphia was founded by the Englishman William Penn. The region of New Sweden would form "the first three (3) states in America" in 1787: Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.**

Note that the colors in the municipal flag of Philadelphia are blue and yellow commemorating the original Swedish colonization of Philadelphia. (Source: Wikimedia.org)
In Philadelphia, the American Swedish Historical Museum was founded by Swedish Immigrant 1908 co-founder of the Swedish Colonial Society Dr. Amandus Johnson (1877- 1974) in 1926, during the 150th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in this "The City of Brotherly Love."
In 1937, all Swedish Americans were called to task in establishing a $750,000 endowment for this Museum, the deadline of which would be at the start of the 1938 commencement of celebrating the 300th Anniversary of New Sweden's founding. Meeting the $750,000 goal was an enormous undertaking as reflected in the documents mailed to all Swedish American community representatives, including one representative in Lindsborg, Kansas. These particular documents showing the connectedness of the Swedish Americans then, the labor intensiveness of the details involved and their "can do spirits" are found HERE.**
Shown above and below is the ceiling mural of this wonderful Museum depicting the landing of the Swedes and Finns in 1638 at "The Rocks" on the Christina River in present day Wilmington, Delaware. To see the New Sweden Center Colonist Day of 2012 go HERE and scroll down.
While "alive with celebrations, exhibitions and learning experiences, the American Swedish Historical Museum is a community dedicated to preserving and interpreting cultural material." *** Go HERE to learn more.
In 1937, all Swedish Americans were called to task in establishing a $750,000 endowment for this Museum, the deadline of which would be at the start of the 1938 commencement of celebrating the 300th Anniversary of New Sweden's founding. Meeting the $750,000 goal was an enormous undertaking as reflected in the documents mailed to all Swedish American community representatives, including one representative in Lindsborg, Kansas. These particular documents showing the connectedness of the Swedish Americans then, the labor intensiveness of the details involved and their "can do spirits" are found HERE.**
Shown above and below is the ceiling mural of this wonderful Museum depicting the landing of the Swedes and Finns in 1638 at "The Rocks" on the Christina River in present day Wilmington, Delaware. To see the New Sweden Center Colonist Day of 2012 go HERE and scroll down.
While "alive with celebrations, exhibitions and learning experiences, the American Swedish Historical Museum is a community dedicated to preserving and interpreting cultural material." *** Go HERE to learn more.
The American Swedish Historical Museum
On June 2, 1926 future King of Sweden Crown Prince Gustaf VI Adolf placed the Museum's cornerstone.
The architect was Chicago Swedish American John Nydén who based its design on the 17th century manor house Ericsberg Castle of Södermanland, Sweden.
The Museum Entrance
Inside, you gaze upon this magnificent ceiling mural!
In the fall of 1928, Swedish born, Chicago Art Institute trained, Christian von Schneidau painted this mural and the wall murals.
It shows the landing of the Swedes and Finns in 1638 at "The Rocks" on the Christina River in present day Wilmington, Delaware.
The following photos were taken during the 2009 "Joint Conference of Swedish America in the Delaware Valley."
The program of the October 22-25 conference was titled Colony to Community: The Story of New Sweden.
- Including the Swedish Colonial Society Centennial Jubilee Celebration -
Delaware Valley New Sweden Sites Visited
Fort Christina, Wilmington
The Tall Ship of Delaware, Wilmington
The Kalmar Nyckel, a replica of the original which landed on the Delaware shore in 1638
Tinicum Island, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia
Site of the first European settlement, capital of New Sweden from 1643 to 1655
Lower Swedish Cabin, Creek Road, Drexel Hill nine miles west of Philadelphia
The Swedish Churches
Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, 1698, Wilmington, DE;
Christ Church (Old Swedes) 1760, Upper Merion, PA; Gloria Dei (Old Swedes) Church 1646/1700, Philadelphia
Pause this to read captions on churches at bottom
Incredible gifts from the Swedish Colonial Society to Lindsborg, Kansas at Conference's end
Swedish Colonial Society Centennial Jubilee Celebration Gatherings
Radisson Warwick Hotel Philadelphia
Radisson Warwick Hotel Philadelphia
The Union League Philadelphia
The Program Cover
The Review
L-R: President of the Colonial Swedish Society; CEO of the Swedish American Council; Governor of Värmland, Sweden;
Swedish Ambassador; Director of the Swedish American Council
* The founding year of Philadelphia is 1681 according to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission of 1988. In Wikipedia it is 1682.
* *Sources: Wikipedia, History of Philadelphia and New Sweden; Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
* * * From an American Swedish Historical Museum website statement
* *Sources: Wikipedia, History of Philadelphia and New Sweden; Swedes: TheWayTheyWere
* * * From an American Swedish Historical Museum website statement
* * *
~ restoring, preserving and promoting Swedish American histories & cultures ~
~ sharing the Swedish American tapestry with all ~
All color photography throughout SwedishAmericana is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since 2015 www.swedishamericana.org All rights reserved.
~ restoring, preserving and promoting Swedish American histories & cultures ~
~ sharing the Swedish American tapestry with all ~
All color photography throughout SwedishAmericana is by Fran Cochran unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright © since 2015 www.swedishamericana.org All rights reserved.